Two new voluntary services - Lucinda Price Photography
Update: As I start to reopen the business I am no longer actively offering these sessions. However, if you would like to discuss any of the below with me please do get in touch.
Its been a strange few weeks, and I know it will continue to be so for a while. I'm ok, and able to sit tight and help not spread the virus. In the meantime this does admittedly leave me with plenty of time on my hands, so today I am launching an ad-hoc free service for those who may not be in school in the upcoming weeks and want to know a little about what it is like being a freelance photographer/photography.

1-2-1 What's it like to be a self-employed photographer? (aimed at older teenagers A-Levels etc.)
I can do a 30 minute (approx.) session with you via video call where you can ask me all about my work, experiences, or even some technical questions if you prefer.
There is no charge for this, and no wrong questions to ask on the session. I just hope it may be something interesting for you whilst you are considering your future careers.
Please note I am not affiliated with any formal careers services, I am just sharing this as something positive in these social isolation days.
For those with younger children interested in photography
Over a set time period, 1 week/few days etc. agreed between us. I can do an initial conversation around photography and set some challenges.
I will then ask you to share your children's images (via parents/carers) and we'll have another session to talk about what you took, how it went and any further tips you may be looking for.
I have no idea what the uptake on this will be - this is all new to me (!) however I will manage bookings over the next weeks. If this is too popular, apologies if I can't fit you in.
Please contact me and I'll be in touch by email to arrange bookings, method of virtual meeting etc.
You must have video calling abilities - phone/iPad or laptop/computer will all be fine.
You must have some kind of camera - ideally separate to the device you are using to call me on. Younger session can be with basic kit i.e. cameraphone/basic point and shoot camera.
More technical sessions for older children/teenagers could benefit from a camera with manual settings - although this isn't entirely necessary. Careers sessions don't necessarily need a camera at all as it can be more like an interview.
If you are under 18yrs
I would like to ask you to initially contact me and please let me know you are are under 18*. I will plan to send you a consent form for your parents to fill out, and also be asking a guardian to visually at the beginning of the call just pop on and confirm they are happy with the call taking place.
*If I believe you to be under 18 but you say you are over 18, I may ask to see at the beginning of the call proof of age. This will not be recorded but a visual check of a relevant document.
I have DBS certification and any parent/carer is welcome to view this in advance of any call being booked.